Jan 8, 2014

Hebrews 13-- Be Content

Scripture: Hebrews 13 (specifically, verses 5-6)

I've never had much of a handle on Hebrews 13. After chapters 8-12 carry forward such powerful illustrations and teachings, and then 13 just seems like a grab-bag of whatever else the author had to say. An instruction here, and exhortation there.

And that's pretty much where I still am on my understanding of the chapter, haha. Sorry if you were expecting some keen new insight.

So rather than try to force some overarching theme onto the final chapter of this awesome book, I thought we could just zoom in, so to speak, on one of these parting thoughts. I think you'll agree it's relevant in today's world:
Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."
How fascinating it is that the love of money and an attitude of discontentment has been plaguing us humans since the first century. And a quick scan to the even more ancient texts will reveal that it goes back even many centuries before that. As long as there have been humans, it seems, there has been greed.

The solution, Hebrews claims, is found in the promise and reality of God's presence.

If you don't take your time with this verse, you might not catch the glory of that because. The reason we can be content is that God will never forsake us. He is with us, and always will be!

We can be content with what we have, because we have Him.

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